unleash the magnificent healing power in you
You are born with the ability to go without food for extended periods of time. If this were not the case, the countless episodes of famine throughout natural and human history would have driven mankind to extinction.
Fasting begins when you ignore the feeling of hunger, which is nothing other than a signal your body sends you. Hunger tells you your body has finished handling its last meal and is ready to receive food again - to process it either as short-term energy supply or put it away as long-term reserve. Hunger does not mean you are running out of fuel, nor does it usher undesirable consequences like the loss of consciousness.
If you discount your feeling of hunger, you send your body a message in return. The message is: ‘I have chosen not to eat. Please supply me from my reserves.’ Once your body turns to its reserves for fuel, which happens typically within 30 minutes, hunger subsides and the healing power of fasting emerges. What follows during prolonged fasting is a transformation that unfolds in three stages:
Stage 1 : Crisis
Stage 2 : Ketosis
Stage 3 : Genesis
A gentle yet effective ‘cleansing-ritual’ forms the basis of FONDATION's fasting therapy.
During the first three to four days, when your body digs out old trapped stool, dead cells, metabolic wastes, undesirable byproducts from sluggish digestion, and all kinds of fat-stored ‘toxins’ for removal, like harmful chemicals and metal deposits, you may feel worse before you feel better.
Common symptoms include headache, tiredness, poor concentration, bloating, and muscle weakness. Some people feel cold or manifest symptoms of a cold. Others become moody or do not sleep well. Your skin may break out and your urine, bowel movement, breath as well as body odor may all smell worse than usual.
Rest assured, however, that such discomfort is normal. In fact, ‘healing crisis’ is a positive sign that your body is cleansing itself on high gear.
Stage 1 : Crisis
At FONDATION, we help your body reach a transformative metabolic state known as ‘ketosis’.
As your caloric intake drops, your body nourishes you from within. Instead of supplying you with energy from glucose in your tissues and your blood, it burns fat to produce an ultra high- grade fuel called ketones. Ordinarily reserved for your brain, your heart and your muscles, ketones are extremely efficient. Gram for gram, ketones generate more energy than glucose.
When you are in ketosis, your physical and mental performance jumps. Ketones also mute hunger receptors in your brain so you feel less hungry. Today, scientists know that ketones impact on genes and immunity positively and may even slow aging.
While in ketosis, your blood sugar and insulin levels fall. This is particularly beneficial if you are diabetic. If you are overweight, your body will release excess fluid and lose weight faster. Lower insulin levels reduce inflammation, slow cancerous growth and speed up the healing of inflammatory disorders like acne, asthma, allergies, inflammatory bowel diseases and rheumatoid arthritis. Over time, lower body fat and improved cholesterol levels also reduce your risk of cardio-vascular diseases.
Stage 1 : Crisis
Stage 2 : Ketosis
Vitality and youthful looks do not have to decline with age.
Fasting at FONDATION invigorates your body’s self-renewal process by boosting the growth hormones in you that anti-age while retarding those that wear you down.
Human Growth Hormone (HGH), for instance, maintains tissues, protects lean muscles, strengthens bones, reduces body fat and promotes sexual libido. Maintaining a healthy diet, in particular going to bed on an empty stomach, stimulates the production of HGH that naturally decreases with age.
Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF-1), on the other hand, keeps your cells active constantly. While it is good for children and teenagers, IGF-1 wears down your body like a machine that never gets to stop. When you fast, your metabolism declines and along with it also your body’s production of IGF-1. Expanding volume of research shows that low metabolism and low levels of IGF-1 are associated with longevity.
As your fat deposits diminish, your body conserves energy by recycling old and damaged cells that are no longer in use. This sends a signal to your stem cells to regenerate your entire biological system, revamping your immunity and organs from square one. At the end of your fast at FONDATION, your blood and your digestive system are cleansed. When you resume a healthy diet, the nutrients you take in can be absorbed effectively and deployed to their fullest.
Stage 1 : Crisis
Stage 2 : Ketosis
Stage 3 : Genesis